Involvement into fire-fighting industry development results in our active participation in the prestigious specialized exhibitions as well as in awards received in the country and abroad. The company can boast with its 13 awards and 5 honorary mentions granted by committee of International Rescue and Fire Protection Technology Exhibition „EDURA” for innovation and technical solutions in fire-fighting vehicles.
Company SZCZĘŚNIAK was appreciated 5 times with „Defender” awards for its technical solutions serving defence and national security as well as fire protection awarded by committee of International Defence Industry Exhibition MSPO in Kielce.
Only in 2019, the company SZCZĘŚNIAK became a Laureate of Polish Prestigious Quality Award, was granted with Golden Laurel of Innovation, with Defender award as well as with State Safety Leader award in the category of Innovative Company, Innovative Product and the Golden Star as a special honorary mention for the entrepreneur.
Important honorary mention for the company was Dedal statuette in the competition of Company of the year 2018. This competition is promoting the most active and developing companies from the region, which especially stand out from other economic entities prospering on the Podbeskidzie market.
The company was valued by city of Bielsko-Biała for creating a positive economical image and promotion of the region which was evidenced by the title of „Firma roku 2018 miasta Bielsko-Białej” (the Company of the year 2018 for city of Bielsko-Białą). We are a laureate of „Złote Orły Motoryzacji 2018” (Golden Eagles of Automotive Industry 2018), and we received diploma of “Symbol Rozwoju Biznesu 2018” program (2018 Business Development Symbole) and nagrodę „Lider Bezpieczeństwa Państwa 2018” (State Security Leader 2018) in category of innovative company. Further to our investments improving the functionality of road -traffic infrastructure, for delivery of 26 pieces of technical rescue vehicles (with crane) for State Fire Services in Wrocław, we were awarded with Kryształy Przetargów Publicznych 2018” (The Crystals of Public Tenders 2018). The company received, among others, the following awards: .”Medal zasłużony dla Eksportu,” (Medal of merit for Export), “Medal za zasługi dla obronności kraju”, (Medal for contribution to the national defense), “Buławę Hetmańską” (Mace of Hetman ) and “Pierścień Patrioty” (Ring of Patriots) for contribution to the national defense.
We are proud to inform that our company is a part of prestigious group of “Forbes Diamonds 2020” among other companies that increased in value, thus, among the best companies in Poland. This fact is a confirmation of our credibility towards our business partners.